Adding a Radio Button in Input Filed

A radio button is used to create a series of options of which only one can be selected. It is displayed as a circle, which when selected, displays a dot in the middle. You can create a radio button by adding the <input type=”radio” > tag to your HTML code.

Let’s do the following steps to add a radio button:

<!DOCTYPE html>
    <title> Adding Radio Button input Field</title>
    <h4> Choose a Marital Status</h4>
    <form action=””>
        <input type=”radio” name=”status” value=”single checked” />
<input type=”radio” name=”status” value=”Married” />
        <input type=”radio” name=”status” value=”unmarried” />
        <input type=”radio” name=”status” value=”Divorced” />

Save the document with the name AddingRadioButton.html and open on browser.

Note: The difference between a check box and a radio button is that radio buttons work in mutually exclusive groups and only one radio button can be selected at a time.